Jun 26, 2018
We’re hitting the books and finally delving between the covers of that most infamous of all Satanic scriptures, Anton LaVey’s Satanic Bible. (AKA The Satanic Bible: These Motherfuckers. AKA The Satanic Bible: Back to My Ding-Dong.) Originally published in 1969, this how-to manual for LaVeyan Satanists has never been out of print and continues to get people in a tizzy nearly 50 years later, but is it the gospel truth, or does it belong in our bad books? Also, Satanic San Francisco gets maternal, we get the post office to do the devil’s work, and the Satanic Panic goes Hollywood.
Spoilers for the movie Hereditary begin at 27:19, and end at 41:24.
Praise, condemnation, questions, and links to cheap gongs can be sent to blackmassappealpod@gmail.com.