Dec 26, 2023
We've tested Testaments new and old, and so it came to pass that we delve into the most fundamentally American of all fundamentalist American religions and meet their really weird devil.
Dec 12, 2023
It's a buyer's market, but everything must go! Sidney Sin joins us for a who's who of who's sold their souls for fame, fortune, and malevolent musicality in human history.
Nov 28, 2023
Pazuzu, king of ancient wind demons and friend to children everywhere; but what made Pazuzu the most popular demon of his day, and what can his myth tell us about the nature of religion, morality, and storytelling? Digital Hammurabi's Megan Lewis explains.
Nov 14, 2023
Black Mass Appeal is developing a King James Aversion with this down and very dirty study of the absolute worst parts of the Bible.